Monday 25 August 2014

University of the Arts London

University of the Arts London
UAL is a specialist art and design university with six different colleges reputable in art, design, fashion, communication and performing arts. These colleges include:
  • Camberwell College of Arts 
  • Central Saint Martins
  • Chelsea College of Arts
  • London College of Communication
  • London College of Fashion
  • Wimbledon College of Arts
Guest Speaker from London College of Communication
The Head of Department from LCC came to our school to do a presentation about London College of Communication.

He informed us about the courses that were availabe at the college and the oppurtunities that would be available for an LCC student. We were also told about the admissions process being the entry requirements needed and interviews.  Something that stood out to me was when he mentioned how they try to makesure each student is well suited to their cause. They may do this through the interview by making sure the course the potential student signed up for is suitable for the career path they aspire to follow in the future. If not they may suggest alternative courses that may suit them better. 
Our guest speaker also told us about a 2 week program they were holding at the school for us to get an in depth taster of the college. For the 2 weeks, we would be given the chance to participate in workshops based in courses of our choice.
However, we were given advice by the LCC representative on finding the university that suits us. We were told about actually going to the open days, and that we should not hesitate to ask questions. 

Overall, I did find the talk useful as it opened my mind to the university options and courses available. I have thought of LCC as one of my options since then, dye to the fact they have certain courses that are of interest to me. I also admired the way they have the students best interests at heart.